Sore throat

7 Natural Remedies To Treat Sore Throat

Fall is coming and so is one of the most common health complaints during the colder times of the year – a sore throat. That raw, burning, and itchy feeling at the back of your throat is a familiar experience when you are suffering from it. 

There are different types of sore throat depending on what kind of organism caused it. The most common one is that which is caused by a virus. The common cold or flu is an example of this. This type of sore throat typically resolves on its own after a few days. The next one is strep throat, which is caused by bacteria. This kind needs antibiotic treatments to avoid progressing to even worse conditions. Other sore throats are caused by allergies, smoking, or underlying sicknesses, which might need more complicated medical management.

Sore throat symptoms

The common sore throat and strep throat have different accompanying symptoms but both types usually start with a dry, itchy throat, and pain when swallowing. If you have a viral sore throat, you will also have a cough, hoarseness of voice, pinkish eyes, and runny nose. On the other hand, if you have a bacterial sore throat, you may additionally feel fever, swollen red tonsil with patches of pus, swollen neck lymph nodes, red spots on the roof of the mouth, or rarely, scarlet fever.

How to feel better using natural remedies

Having a sore throat is extremely uncomfortable and might get you bedridden for a few days. The good news is, there are natural remedies to relieve discomfort during the onset of the disease.

1. Salt + Warm Water Gargle

This is one of the simplest but most effective home remedies to ease the burning and scratchy sensations that come with a sore throat. Salt disintegrates secretions and washes away dead cells. The warm water promotes good blood circulation. Take 1 tablespoon of salt and add to one cup of warm water. Stir well and gargle. Repeat the process every three hours.

2. Ginger

The ginger’s strong spicy flavor is an excellent reliever. It has anti-inflammatory properties and works well in flushing out toxins and killing bacteria. You can either use the raw ginger root by itself or make a warm ginger tea. For the natural ginger lozenge, peel the root and cut a thin piece. You can suck on the ginger (like lozenge or candy) or chew it for a stronger effect. Do this two to three times a day. To make tea, peel, and slice 60g of raw ginger root. 

3. Honey

Honey is a popular natural remedy for itchy, painful throat, and even cough. According to research, honey has wound healing properties which can help quicken the healing process for sore throat. Mix it with herbs or tea in warm drinks or take one tablespoon on its own to enjoy throat relief.

4. Peppermint

Peppermint contains menthol which is an in-demand component for cough drops and lozenges. Besides giving you fresh breath, the menthol in peppermint is known to give relief to dry, itchy throats because of its antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory characteristic. Use dried or fresh peppermint leaves to make hot tea or dilute two drops of peppermint essential oil to a glass of warm water to make your concoction against sore throat.

5. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is an extremely popular drink for people who want to relax or sleep calmly. Like peppermint, it also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also rich in anti-oxidants. Inhaling chamomile steam and drinking chamomile milk tea has a soothing effect on the throat and is also effecting against colds. Stock up on this if you upon onset of itchy, painful throat.

6. Lemon

Lemons are full of vitamin C, which is crucial for body tissue repair and development, strengthening your immune system, and fighting off pathogens. It is also a natural astringent. Lemons help soothe scratchy, painful throats – that is why it is an effective and easy natural remedy. Cut a lemon into half-moon slices and eat it as it is for a stronger effect and faster relief. Add one tablespoon of lemon to a cup of warm water to clear up your throat.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has several benefits which launched its popularity to the health and wellness world. Besides being considered as an effective supplement for weight loss, lowering blood sugar levels, decreasing cholesterol, and reducing diabetes symptoms, it is also very useful to ease sore throats. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a warm saltwater solution for a natural gargle. Use it at least three times a day for 30 seconds for maximum effect.

As long as there are sicknesses, natural remedies are here to stay. It is a good thing that we have all these bounties from nature that can help us relieve sore throat discomfort. However, if you have exhausted all these home remedies but still suffer from a scratchy throat, this is a sign that you need to consult an online doctor BC or your family physician.