7 Reasons Why You Need To Drink More and More Water

It is a fact that there are many people who under consume water daily despite the necessity of keeping the body hydrated for one’s well-being and overall health.

Water makes up around 60% of our body and covers around 71 percent of the Earth’s surface. And probably, due to this somewhat ever-present nature of water, some people do not place water consumption at the top of the lists of their prime concerns. Nevertheless, its importance cannot be stressed more.

For instance, water is essential for bodily functions since all our cells and organs require water to function properly. The one you are dehydrated, the greater the chances your skin becomes prone to wrinkling and other skin disorders. And if you need to lose weight, drinking water is ideal instead of consuming soda.

However, the old standard to consume at least eight glasses of water daily was just a mere guideline without a solid scientific footing. You may or may not need eight glasses. Just keep in mind to avoid dehydration which happens when your water intake is less than your output. Anyhow, there are still plenty of reasons to drink more water. Below are seven reasons why.

1. Helps Maintain Body Fluids Balance

More than half of our body is water. These fluids in the body have various functions which include blood circulation, digestion, creation of saliva, absorption, nutrients transportation, and regulation of body temperature.

The brain will elicit the thirst mechanism of the body once it detects that you are low on water. You should pay attention to these signals and drink anything but alcohol to hydrate yourself.

2. Helps Enhance Skin Health and Appeal.

The skin is made up of plenty of water. Its role is akin to a protective barrier that prevents the excessive loss of bodily fluids. When your skin is dehydrated, it will look drier and more wrinkled. Also, with dehydration, the skin is more prone to skin disorders and untimely wrinkling. Though keeping yourself hydrated will prevent these ill effects, one should not expect that overhydration will wipe off the fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Helps Keep Normal Bowel Function.

Drinking enough water will keep things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract. This prevents you from getting constipated. But when you are not getting enough fluid, your large intestine, to maintain hydration, will pull the water from your stools resulting in constipation.

4. Helps Cut Off Calories

Though water is not a magical solution for weight loss, drinking a lot of water has been a long time strategy for curbing calories. This is so because water can best substitute for beverages with high-calorie content such as soda and sweetened juices.

Drinking water before a meal helps fend off overeating since it will generate a sense of satiation.

One can also cut off calorie intake when he chooses water and other non-caloric drinks over a highly caloric beverage, alongside the intake of healthy and more filling water-rich food such as vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, broth-based soups, and beans. Food rich in water would appear larger, its plentiful volume necessitates more chewing, and the absorption by the body is slower, leaving you to feel satiated. 

5. Helps Power Muscles.

Our muscles need adequate fluids for them to work well and maximize their performance. When our cells do not have a balanced fluid and electrolytes, they will shrink and would lead to muscle fatigue.

When you exercise, it is necessary to drink more fluids. It must be taken before and during the workout. The recommendation is for you to drink about 17 ounces of water roughly two hours before working out. As you do your routine, you should start drinking your fluids early. It must also be gulped down at regular intervals to replace the fluids you sweated out.

6. Helps regulate body temperature.

According to studies, when your body has too little water, it would increase heat storage making an individual less tolerant to heat strain. But when your body has a lot of water, the physical strain may be reduced if heat stress occurs as you work out.

7. Helps Prevent Kidney Problems.

The kidneys function to regulate bodily fluid. And the amazing function of your kidneys to clean your body and get rid of toxins will only be possible if you take in adequate fluids.

With enough fluids, your urine will freely flow, is odourless, and is light in colour. On the contrary, when your water intake is not enough, your kidneys will hold extra fluid for bodily functions and it would increase the concentration of your urine, its colour, and odour. And with extremely low water intake, one becomes highly risky for kidney stones.

Water is indeed necessary for overall health and functioning. When you lack water in your body, you may experience these signs of dehydration: dry mouth, dark urine, infrequent urination, headache, constipation, irritability, and confusion among others.But some people have specific health conditions that may require a limitation on fluid intake. These conditions include liver, heart, and kidney disease. In such a case, water consumption must be controlled. So if you have any medical conditions, it is best to consult a physician and visit an online walk-in clinic Hamilton for advice on proper hydration.