8 Ways You Can Improve Your Child’s Mental health

The child’s physical needs such as food, clothing, sleeping schedule, and playtime are what parents usually identify easily. But what’s similarly relevant may not be as noticeable and could even be left unattended at times – your child’s emotional and mental health.  The soundness of the children’s mental health would allow them to direct their minds towards someone or something leading to the development of their social skills and to learn new things.   Mental health has become an even more

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Depression – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment options

Depression is a complex of psychological and physical symptoms. Low mood level or sadness is often the most prominent symptom. The common property of these symptoms is a decreased activity level in parts of the brain. THE SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION Depression may give one or more of these symptoms: -Low mood level or sadness. -Lack of joy or interest in activities that were joyful before. -Pessimism. -Feel of guilt of something without any substantial reason to feel so. -Inferiority thoughts.

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